With a research grant from the NWO program on Materials for Sustainability, computational scientist Süleyman Er and his research team will develop new battery materials for stationary electrical energy storage.

The team’s approach is certainly innovative: starting from a database of known stable food coloring compounds, they will generate a library of large number of candidate compounds, and perform robust high-throughput calculations on these new materials to investigate their key properties for redox flow batteries and simultaneously select the best candidates. That way, together with the industrial partner Green Energy Storage (Italy), they will lab-test only the most favorable functional materials, at a much shorter timescale and reduced cost when compared to conventional methods.


About CCER

The Center for Computational Energy Research  aims to explore pathways to future energy systems. This is done via computational simulations that complement experimental energy research. The center was founded in 2017 as the result of a joint initiative between the Department of Applied Physics of the Eindhoven University of Technology and NWO Institute DIFFER.

Center for Computational Energy Research
TU/e Science Park
De Zaale 20
5612 AJ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

P.O. Box 6336
5600 HH Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+31 40 3334 999