Dissemination of Low-Temperature Plasma Data: a Progress Report.

Speaker: Jan van Dijk (TU/e Applied Physics, Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges)
Time: May 23, 2019, 10:00–11:00
Location: Differ, Alexander-zaal

Microwave-driven plasma reactors are among the most promising devices for the production of value-added chemical compounds from greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. A drawback (or rather: a challenge) of the regime in which such plasmas operate, is the bewildering chemical complexity that one has to deal with.

For plasma modelling and numerical simulation studies this implies the need for massive amounts of input data (transport, reaction and radiation data). Typically not all data are known, or only available with a limited accuracy. A second issue is the fact that it gets more and more challenging to realize plasma-chemical data sets that are free of errors, including those that are the result of trivial typing mistakes. The only path forward appears to be that publications that are based on plasma-models be accompanied by the exact data sets on which the studies were based, in electronic form.

In this seminar Jan van Dijk will share his experience with the issues surrounding a proper dissemination of plasma modelling input data, which is reflected in publications such as [1], which discusses carbon dioxide plasma-chemistry. An argument will be made for the establishment of reliable web-friendly and vendor-neutral data exchange formats and progress in this area will be reported. Live demonstrations of some of the e-science tools that are currently under development will be given [2]. Finally, the potential role of existing data providers such as the LXCat project [3,4] will be discussed.

[1] Koelman et al. Plasma Process. Polym., 14 1600155
[2] https://www.esciencecenter.nl/project/passing-xsams
[3] Pitchford et al. Plasma Process. Polym., 14 1600098
[4] http://lxcat.net

The CCER seminars are aimed at researchers interested in computational approaches to (energy) research. The seminar is small-scale, typically 15 participants, and interactive, offering lots of room for discussion. If you don't have access to the DIFFER building but would like to attend, just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..