On the longest day of the year the Center for Computational Energy Research (CCER) was officially opened. Scientific director dr.ir. Vianney Koelman welcomed more than 100 visitors and positioned the new center as follows "The CCER aims to accelerate energy innovation by integrating high performance computing with energy research".

Prof.dr.ir. Frank Baaijens, rector magnificus TU/e and prof.dr. Wim van den Doel, executive board NWO revealed “nature’s most efficient energy converter” (Baaijens), a beautiful tobacco tree. This seamlessly endorsed Van den Doel’s previous statement “For interdisciplinary initiatives you need people, time and a place on fertile ground”.

In his opening address ir. Diederik Samsom, former MP and champion and advocate of the Dutch Climate Bill, stated “I am not sad but optimistic and the reason is you. The best way to promote renewable energy is to promote education and research. So that the next generation can invent the inventions that we were not smart enough to invent”.

Also the keynote speakers prof.dr. Frank Jenko (Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching), prof.dr. Evert Jan Meijer (Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam), prof.dr. Detlef Lohse (Physics of Fluids, University of Twente), and dr. Dirk Smit (Shell Chief Scientist for Geophysics) were very inspiring.

The summer atmosphere was further enhanced by the sounds of summer of student music association Tuna Ciudad de Luz.

About CCER

The Center for Computational Energy Research  aims to explore pathways to future energy systems. This is done via computational simulations that complement experimental energy research. The center was founded in 2017 as the result of a joint initiative between the Department of Applied Physics of the Eindhoven University of Technology and NWO Institute DIFFER.

Center for Computational Energy Research
TU/e Science Park
De Zaale 20
5612 AJ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

P.O. Box 6336
5600 HH Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+31 40 3334 999